Evening Prayer for the Eighth Sunday after Trinity

We will be attempting to live stream this service at 6pm on Sunday but this is our first trial at this – there may be some technical hitches, but if the live stream fails, we will upload a recording of the service as soon as possible afterwards. Please bear with us!

Unfortunately our live stream didn’t work – and there was a problem with the audio too, but here is Kevin’s part of the service – apologies for the dodgy sound, hopefully we’ll get it right next week!

Leader: Rev. Kevin Maddy
Psalm: 80. 1–8
OT Reading: 1 Kings 10. 1–13
NT Reading: Acts 13. 1–13
Organ Voluntary:  Prelude on ‘Te lucis ante terminum’ – Rutter

Order of Service

Evening Prayer for The Eighth Sunday after Trinity from the Book of Common Prayer