Services at St Stephen’s
Advent 2022 to Christ the King 2023
Archives: 2022-23, 2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20
St Stephen’s has been at the centre of its community for over 900 years, and remains so today. Our mission is to equip God’s people through thoughtful worship, warm fellowship, and enriching teaching. We are a church with a thriving robed choir of an excellent standard. If you are 9 months or 90 years old, or anywhere in between, we look forward to welcoming you!
Sunday | 10.30am | Sung Eucharist * |
6.00pm | Choral Evensong * | |
Wednesday | 10.00am | Holy Communion (said) |
Lectionary Year A
Christ the King
Sunday 26th November 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President and Preacher: The Archdeacon of Canterbury
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Ezek. 34. 11–16, 20–24
Eph. 1. 15–end
Matt. 25. 31–end
Anthem: Let all the world in every corner sing – Vaughan Williams
Hymns: 345, 443, 271, 305, ‘Christ triumphant, ever reigning’
Voluntary: Tuba tune in D major – Lang
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Ayleward
Psalm 93
2 Sam. 23. 1–7
Matt. 28. 16–end
Canticles: Brewer in D
Anthem: Laudate nomen Domini – Tye
Hymns: 388i, 499
Voluntary: Processional – Mathias
The Second Sunday before Advent
Sunday 19th November 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Zeph. 1. 7, 12–end
1 Thess. 5. 1–11
Matt. 25. 14–30
Anthem: God be in my head – Rutter
Hymns: HHT 34, 339, 159 (omit vv. 3 & 4), 278, 449 (t. ‘From strength to strength’)
Voluntary: Fugue in G major BWV 576 – J. S. Bach
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Sung by the Sopranos & Altos
Responses: Ripon – Wilby
Psalm 89 vv. 19–29
1 Kings 1.15–40
Rev. 1. 4–18
Canticles: Bairstow in E-flat
Anthem: A prayer of St Ignatius Loyola – Barker
Hymns: 352, 361 (t. 322)
Voluntary: Voluntary in D – Alcock
Remembrance Sunday
Sunday 12th November 2023
10.30am Requiem Eucharist
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Setting: Requiem – Fauré
Wisdom 6. 12–16
1 Thessalonians 4. 13–end
Matthew 25. 1–13
Hymns: 417, 480 (t. 15), 492
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Plainsong
Psalm 82
Judges 7. 2–22
John 15. 9–17
Canticles: Morley fauxbourdons
Anthem: So they gave their bodies – Aston
Hymns: 354, 468
Voluntary: Nimrod – Elgar
All Saints’ Sunday
Sunday 5th November 2023
10.30am Festal Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Sally Waters, Lay-Reader and Ordinand
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Revelation 7. 9–end
1 John 3. 1–3
Matthew 5. 1–12
Anthem: Give us the wings of faith – Bullock
Hymns: 197 (omit vv. 3, 5 & 6), 341, 231, 294, 478
Voluntary: Prelude on Sine Nomine – Hutchings
6.00pm Festal Choral Evensong
Responses: Ayleward
Psalms 148 & 150
Isaiah 65. 17–end
Hebrews 11.32–12.2
Canticles: Ives in D
Anthem: O come, ye servants of the Lord – Tye
Hymns: 196ii, 224
Voluntary: Gavotte – Camidge
All Souls’ Day
Thursday 2nd November 2023
7.30pm Requiem Eucharist
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Lamentations 3. 17–26, 31–33
Romans 5. 5–11
John 5. 19–25
Hymns: 396, 459, 239, 114
The Last Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 29th October 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist and Farewell to our Rector
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Leviticus 19: 1–2, 15–18
1 Thessalonians 2: 1–6
Matthew 22: 34–end
Anthem: A Prayer of George Herbert – Maddy
Hymns: 377, 372, 485, 306, 235
Voluntary: Nun Danket alle Gott – Karg-Elert
So that we can all join together to mark the end of Kevin’s Ministry among us, there will be no Choral Evensong this Sunday.
The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 22nd October 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Sally Waters, Lay Reader and Ordinand
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Isaiah 45: 1–7
1 Thessalonians 1: 1–6
Matthew 22: 15–22
Anthem: O God, thou art my God – Purcell
Hymns: 394, 431, 486, 288, 467
Voluntary: Trumpet tune on ‘Westminster Abbey’ – Smith
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Ayleward
Psalm 142
Isaiah 54: 1 – 14
Luke 13: 31–end
Canticles: Stanford in B-flat
Anthem: O for a closer walk with God – Stanford
Hymns: 463ii, 408i
Voluntary: Postlude in D-minor – Stanford
The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 15th October 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Isaiah 25: 1–9
Philippians 4: 1–9
Matthew 22: 1–14
Anthem: Rejoice, the Lord is King – Archer
Hymns: 473ii (omit *), 459, 381, 282, ‘Great is thy faithfulness’
Voluntary: Festival Finale – Archer
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Sung by the Tenors & Basses
Responses: Barker or Plainsong
Psalm 139 vv. 1–11
Canticles: Plainsong
Anthem: Si iniquitates – S. Wesley
Hymns: 64, 245
Voluntary: Festive Trumpet Tune – German
Dedication Festival
Sunday 8th October 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist and Confirmation
President and Preacher: The Right Rev. Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Bishop of Dover
Introit: Locus iste – Bruckner
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Acts 7: 51 – 60
Galatians 2: 16b – 20
Psalm 122
Matthew 23: 34 – 39
Anthem: Beati quorum via – Stanford
Hymns: 205, 138, 201 (t. 271), 140, 420
Voluntary: Toccata – Dubois
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Ayleward
Psalm 132
Genesis 4: 1–10
Matthew 10: 17–22
Canticles: Brewer in D
Anthem: Behold the tabernacle of God – Harris
Hymns: 204i, 208
Voluntary: Scherzo – Ridout
Harvest Festival
Sunday 1st October 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Sally Waters, Reader
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Deuteronomy 8: 7–18
2 Corinthians 9: 6–15
Luke 12: 16–30
Anthem: All things bright and beautiful – Rutter
Hymns: 259, 237, 262, 280 (omit *), 263 (omit *)
Voluntary: Toccata in Seven – Rutter
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Ayleward
Psalm 65
Ezekiel 37: 15–28
1 John 2: 22–29
Anthem: Thou visitest the earth – Greene
Hymns: 397, MHT 124
Voluntary: Prelude on ‘East Auckham’ – Jackson
The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 24th September 2023
8.00am Holy Communion
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Jonah 3: 11–4: end
Philippians 1: 21–end
Matthew 20: 1–16
Anthem: Ave verum – Peeters
Hymns: 368, 456, 353 (Nov. p.54), 276ii, ‘Lord, for the years’
Voluntary: Fantasia and Fugue in a minor – J. S. Bach
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Sung by the Sopranos & Altos
Responses: Ripon – Wilby
Psalm 119 vv. 121–128
Ezekiel 33: 23, 30–34: 10
Acts 26: 1, 9–25
Canticles: Bairstow in E-flat
Anthem: My song is love unknown – Archer
Hymns: 214ii, 457ii
Voluntary: The Peace may be exchanged – Locklair
The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 17th September 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Genesis 50: 15–21
Romans 14: 1–12
Matthew 18: 21–35
Anthem: View me, Lord – Lloyd
Hymns: 468, ‘Make me a channel of your peace’ (swams 31), 101ii (omit *), 275, 393
Voluntary: Processional – Ives
We will be taking Choral Evensong out into the Deanery this week, singing a special Harvest Evensong at St Mary’s Church, Fordwich at 5.30pm. Do join us, but note the earlier time. Unfortunately we will be unable to live-stream this service.
5.30pm Choral Evensong at St Mary’s Church, Fordwich
Responses: Smith
Psalm 65
Canticles: Gibbons Short Service
Anthem: Thou visitest the earth – Greene
The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 10th September 2023
8.00am Holy Communion
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Rev. Dr Stacey Rand
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Ezekiel 33: 7–11
Romans 13: 8–end
Matthew 18: 15–20
Anthem: Jesu, joy of man’s desiring – J. S. Bach
Hymns: 475, 500, 104, 307, 444
Voluntary: Fantasia on Ein’ feste burg – Scheidt
6.00pm Choral Evensong marking the Accession of The King
Responses: Smith (Accession responses)
Psalm 121
Ezekiel 12: 21–13: 16
Acts 19: 1–20
Canticles: Stanford in C
Anthem: I was glad – Parry
Hymns: 205, 436, 489
Voluntary: Crown Imprerial – Walton
The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 3rd September 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Margaret Wells
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Jeremiah 15: 15–21
Romans 12: 9–end
Matthew 16: 21–end
Anthem: God so loved the world – Stainer
Hymns: 390 (t. 493), 76, ‘I the Lord of sea and sky’, 357, HHT 23
Voluntary: Choral & Menuet Gothique – Boëllmann
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Smith
Psalm 105 vv. 1–15
2 Kings 6: 24–25; 7: 3 –end
Acts 18: 1–16
Canticles: Parish Psalter Set A
Anthem: Teach me thy way, O Lord – Fox
Hymns: 339, 252
Voluntary: No. 8 from Twelve Short Pieces – Wesley
The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 27th August 2023
8.00am Holy Communion
President: Rev. Kevin Maddy, Rector
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Sally Waters, Reader
Setting: The Mass of St Thomas – Thorne
Isaiah 51: 1–6
Romans 12: 1–8
Matthew 16: 13–20
Hymns: ‘Lift high the cross’, 360 (t. 3i), 272, 321 (t. 186)
6.00pm Evening Prayer
Psalm 95
2 Kings 6: 8–23
Acts 17: 15–end
Hymns: 478, 365, 488
The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 20th August 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Setting: The Mass of St Thomas – Thorne
Isaiah 56: 1, 6–8
Romans 11: 1–2a, 29–32
Matthew 15: 21–28
Hymns: 439 (omit *), 480 (t. 15), 498 (t. 271; omit *), 332 (omit *)
6.00pm Evening Prayer
Psalm 90 vv. 1–12
2 Kings 4: 1–37
Acts 16: 1–15
Hymns: 476, 486, 477
The Tenth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 13th August 2023
8.00am Holy Communion
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Setting: The Mass of St Thomas – Thorne
1 Kings 19: 9–18
Romans 10: 5–15
Matthew 14: 22–33
Hymns: 338 (t. ‘Camberwell’), 374, 353, 494 (t. 413)
6.00pm Evening Prayer
Psalm 86
1 Kings 11: 41–12: 20
Acts 14: 8–20
Hymns: 263 (omit *), 492, 466
The Transfiguration of our Lord
Sunday 6th August 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Peter Clough, Reader at St Cosmus & St Damian, Blean
Setting: The Mass of St Thomas – Thorne
Daniel 7: 9–10, 13–14
2 Peter 1: 16–19
Luke 9: 28–36
Hymns: 234 (t. ‘Christ’s Glory’), 343, 178, 286
6.00pm Evening Prayer
Psalm 72
Exodus 24: 29–end
2 Corinthians 3
Hymns: 176ii, 389, 408i
The Eighth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 30th July 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Setting: The Mass of St Thomas – Thorne
1 Kings 3: 5–12
Romans 8: 26–39
Matthew 13: 31–33, 44–52
Hymns: 333, 391, 364 (t. 408i), 394
6.00pm Evening Prayer
Psalm 75
1 Kings 6: 11–14, 23–38
Acts 12: 1–17
Hymns: 336, 388i, 354
The Seventh Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 23rd July 2023
8.00am Holy Communion
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Wisdom 12: 13, 16–19
Romans 8: 12–25
Matthew 13: 24–30, 36–43
Anthem: Cantique de Jean Racine – Fauré
Hymns: 440 (omit *), 140, 239, 294, 427
Voluntary: Postlude in D minor – Stanford
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Ayleward
Psalm 67
1 Kings 2: 10–12; 3: 16–28
Acts 4: 1–22
Canticles: Brewer in D
Anthem: Save us, O Lord – Bairstow
Hymns: 390 (t. 493), 374, 235
Voluntary: Elegy – Rutter
The Sixth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 16th July 2023
Our choir are singing the services in Southwark Cathedral today.
10.30am Morning Prayer
Led by Sally Waters, Lay-Reader at St Stephen’s
Unfortunately we are unable to live stream the service from St Stephen’s today.
The Fifth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 9th July 2023
8.00am Holy Communion
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Zechariah 9: 9–12
Romans 7: 15–25a
Matthew 11: 16–19, 25–30
Anthem: My spirit longs for thee – Gower (World première)
Hymns: 388i, 376, 258, 307, 375
Voluntary: Festive Trumpet Tune – German
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Ayleward
Psalm 56
2 Samuel 2: 1–11; 3: 1
Luke 18: 31–19: 10
Canticles: Parish Psalter Set A
Anthem: O thou the central orb – Wood
Hymns: 378, 63, 414
Voluntary: Wine of Peace – Camilleri
The Fourth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 2nd July 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President & Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Jeremiah 28: 5–9
Romans 6: 12–end
Matthew 10: 40–end
Anthem: Jubilate Deo – Mozart
Hymns: 417, 431, 438 (t. 296i), 297, ‘And can it be’
Voluntary: Pièce d’orgue BWV 572 – J. S. Bach
6.00pm Songs of Praise
All the hymns at this service have been chosen by members of the congregation, some of whom will talk about the significance of their choice.
The Third Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 25th June 2023
8.00am Holy Communion
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Sally Waters, Lay-Reader
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Jeremiah 20: 7–13
Romans 6: 1b–11
Matthew 10: 24–31
Anthem: Love divine – Goodall
Hymns: 333, 76 (omit *), 74, 277, ‘Lord, for the years’
Voluntary: Choral & Menuet Gothique – Boëllmann
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Ayleward
Psalm 46
1 Samuel 24: 1–17
Luke 14: 12–24
Canticles: Gibbons Short Service
Anthem: Laudate nomen domini – Tye
Hymns: 349, 457ii, 485
Voluntary: No. 9 in E minor Op. 6 – Stanley
The Second Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 18th June 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Rev. Dr. David Vannerley
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Exodus 19: 2–8a
Romans 5: 1–8
Matthew 9: 35–10: 8
Anthem: Ave verum corpus – Byrd
Hymns: 334, 486, 346, 276ii, 408i
Voluntary: Ordinary Time – More or less – Bonighton
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Sung by the Sopranos and Altos
Responses: Wilby Ripon
Psalm 43
1 Samuel 21: 1–15
Luke 11: 14–28
Canticles: Bairstow in E-flat
Anthem: Prayer of St Richard of Chichester – White
Hymns: 352, 339, 372
St Barnabas the Apostle
Sunday 11th June 2023
8.00am Holy Communion
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Job 29: 11–16
Acts 11: 19–end
John 15: 12–17
Anthem: Give us the wings of faith – Bullock
Hymns: 139i, 480 (t. 15), 167, 305, 439i (omit *)
Voluntary: Sonata III (opening) – Mendelssohn
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Ayleward
Psalm 147
Ecclesiastes 12: 9–end
Acts 9: 26–31
Canticles: Stanford in B-flat
Anthem: Holy is the true light – Harris
Hymns: 231, 213ii, 179 (t. 357)
Voluntary: Scherzo – Ridout
Trinity Sunday
Sunday 4th June 2023
10.30am Festal Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Peter Clough, Lay-Reader at St Cosmus and St Damian, Blean
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Isaiah 40: 12 – 17, 27–end
2 Corinthians 13: 11–end
Matthew 28: 16–end
Anthem: Holy, Holy, Holy – Schubert
Hymns: 146, 343, 159 (omit vv. 3 & 4), 278, 373 (t.‘Coe fen’)
Voluntary: Toccata – Dubois
6.00pm Evening Prayer with hymns
Psalms 93 & 150
Isaiah 6: 1 – 8
John 16: 5–15
Hymns: 146, 144 (t. 149), 466
Unfortunately we are unable to live-stream this evening’s service
Sunday 28th May 2023
8.00am Holy Communion
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
10.30am Festal Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Sally Waters, Lay-Reader
Setting: The Johannesburg Service – Bertalot
Acts 2: 1 – 21
1 Corinthians 12: 3b – 13
John 20: 19 – 23
Anthem: The Spirit’s gift – McKinley
Hymns: 137, 138, 431, ‘O Holy Spirit, breathe on me’ (SWAMS 35), ‘Father, Lord of all creation’ (HHT 23)
Voluntary: Veni Creator Spiritus – Leighton
6.00pm Festal Choral Evensong
Responses: Ayleward
Psalms 67 & 133
Joel 2: 21 – end
Acts 2: 14 – 21
Canticles: Ives in DAnthem: Listen, sweet dove – Ives
Hymns: 367, 140, 139i
Voluntary: Komm, Gott schöpfer, Heiliger Geist – Scheidt
Ascension (The Seventh Sunday after Easter)
Sunday 21st May 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Setting: The Johannesburg Service – Bertalot
Acts 1: 1–11
Ephesians 1: 15–23
Luke 24: 44–53
Anthem: God is gone up – Croft
Hymns: 130i (omit vv. 3, 4 & 5), 134, 296i, 312, ‘Christ triumphant, ever reigning’
Voluntary: Heut triumpheiret Gottes Sohn – J. S. Bach (BWV630)
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Smith
Psalm 47
2 Samuel 23: 1–5
Ephesians 1: 15–end
Canticles: Parish Psalter Set C
Anthem: God is gone up – Croft
Hymns: 128ii, 345, 134
Voluntary: L’Ascension (Mvt 1) – Messiaen
The Sixth Sunday of Easter
Sunday 14th May 2023
8.00am Holy Communion
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Johannesburg Service – Bertalot
Joel 1: 10–12; 2: 18–29
Psalm 150
Matthew 13: 1–9, 31–35
Anthem: Ring out your joy – Oxley
Hymns: 103, 341, 333, 275, 395
6.00pm Choral Evensong for the Eve of St Matthias
Responses: Smith
Psalm 147
Isaiah 22: 15–22
Philippians 3: 13b–4: 1
Canticles: Parish Psalter Set B
Anthem: If ye love me – Tallis
Hymns: 432 (omit *), 165 (t. 318), 478
Voluntary: Processional – Mathias
The Fifth Sunday of Easter
Sunday 7th May 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Johannesburg Service – Bertalot
Acts 7: 55–end
1 Peter 2: 2–10
John 14: 1–14
Anthem: Good Christians all rejoice and sing – Archer
Hymns: 477, 118, 206, 280 (omit vs. 2), 124, 489
6.00pm Choral Evensong commemorating the Coronation of King Charles III
Introit: I was glad – Parry
Responses: Smith
Psalm 20
1 Kings 3: 5–10
Romans 13: 1–10
Canticles: Stanford in C
Zadok the Priest – Handel
The mountains shall bring forth peace – Forbes L’Estrange
Hymns: 334, 205, 436, 489
Voluntary: Crown Imperial – Walton
The Fourth Sunday of Easter
Sunday 30th April 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Sally Waters, Lay-Reader
Setting: The Johannesburg Service – Bertalot
Acts 2: 42–end
1 Peter 2: 19–end
John 10: 1–10
Anthem: The Lord is my Shepherd – Goodall
Hymns: 109 (Easter vv. 1–7), 390 (t. 493), 106, 284, 114
Voluntary: Eastertide – Stanford
6.00pm Choral Evensong for the Eve of St Philip and St James
Responses: Smith
Psalm 25
Isaiah 40: 27–end
John 12: 20–26
Canticles: Stanford in B-flat
Anthem: Hail glorious spirits, heirs of light – Tye
Hymns: 214ii, 164, 464
The Third Sunday of Easter
Sunday 23rd April 2023
This Sunday, our choir are singing the choral services in St Albans Cathedral.
8.00am Holy Communion
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Mass of St Thomas – Thorne
Acts 2: 14a, 36–41
1 Peter 1: 17–23
Luke 24: 13–35
Hymns: 113, 393, 103, 361 (t. 322)
Unfortunately we are able to live-stream our services this weekend, but you can join our choir online in St Albans by clicking the link below.
The Second Sunday of Easter
Sunday 16th April 2023
10.30am Sung Eucharist
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Setting: The Johannesburg Service – Bertalot
Acts 2: 14a, 22–32
1 Peter 1: 3–9
John 20: 19–end
Anthem: Arise in us – Shaw
Hymns: 105ii, 107, 112, 275, 125 (omit *)
Voluntary: Christ the Lord is risen – Bertalot
6.00pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Smith
Psalm 30 vv. 1–5
Daniel 6: 6–23
Mark 15:46–16: 8
Canticles: Gibbons Short Service
Anthem: Christ the Lord is risen again – Foster
Hymns: 101ii, 122, 119
Voluntary: Christ lag in Todesbanden – Zachau
Sunday 9th April 2023
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Introit: Christ is risen – How
Setting: The Johannesburg Service – Bertalot
Acts 10: 34–43
Colossians 3: 1–14
John 20: 1–18
Anthem: The Easter Song of Praise – Shepherd
Hymns: 110, 113, 106, 123, 120
Voluntary: Finale from Symphony No. 5 – Widor
Introit: The Easter Anthems
Psalm 66 vv. 1–11
Responses: Smith
Song of Solomon 3: 2–5; 8: 6–7
Revelation 1: 12–18
Canticles: Brewer in D
Anthem: This joyful Eastertide – Dutch carol arr. Ledger
Hymns: 120, 107, 117
Voluntary: Paraphrase on Handel’s ‘Judas Maccabeus’ – Guilmant
Easter Eve
Saturday 8th April
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Hymns: 116, 120
Good Friday
Friday 7th April 2023
Led by Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Psalm: 22 vv. 1–21 (tone II-1)
Passion: Barker
Reproaches: Barker
Agnus Dei: Plainsong
Anthem: Crucifixus – Lotti
Hymns 92, 94, 517 (omit vv. 3–8), 82, 95
Maundy Thursday
Thursday 6th April 2023
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: Mass of St Thomas – Thorne
Exodus 12: 1–14
1 Corinthians 11: 23–26
John 13: 1–17, 31b–35
Taizé chant – Ubi caritas
Anthem: A new commandment – Nardone
Hymns: 293 (t. 239), 270, ‘From heaven you came’, 268 (part 1; t. 202)
Psalm: 22 vv. 1–21 (tone II-1)
Palm Sunday
Sunday 2nd April 2023
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Introit: Hosanna to the Son of David – Rawsthorne
Setting: The Hadleigh Service – Ridout
Isaiah 50: 4–9a
Philippians 2: 5–11
Matthew 27: 11–54
Anthem: God so loved the world – Stainer
Hymns: 511, 509, 90 (omit *), 82, 86 (omit *)
Voluntary: Chorale Prelude ‘Herzlich tut mich verlangen’ BWV 727 – J. S. Bach
A service of music and readings for Passiontide
Psalm 130
Drop, drop slow tears – Gibbons
O Saviour of the world – Goss
Solus ad victimam – Leighton
God so loved the world – Stainer
Hymns 439 (omit vv. 3 & 4), 84, 76, 92, 86 (omit vv. 4 & 6)
The Fifth Sunday of Lent (Passiontide begins)
Sunday 26th March 2023
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Sally Waters, Lay-Reader
Setting: The Hadleigh Service – Ridout
Ezekiel 37: 1–14
Romans 8: 6–11
John 11: 1–45
Anthem: Solus ad victimam – Leighton
Hymns: ‘Lift high the cross’, 83, 84, 304, 94
Voluntary: Contemplation on ‘Caswall’ – Archer
Responses: Plainsong
Psalm 30
Lamentations 3: 19–33
Matthew 20: 17–end
Canticles: Byrd Fauxbourdons
Anthem: Praise to thee, Lord Jesus – Schütz
Hymns: 79 (t. 128ii), 86 (omit *), 95
Voluntary: Chorale Prelude ‘Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ, daß du für uns gestorben bist’ BWV 623 – J. S. Bach
Mothering Sunday / The Fourth Sunday of Lent
Sunday 19th March 2023
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Hadleigh Service – Ridout
Exodus 2: 1–10
2 Corinthians 1: 3–7
Luke 2: 33–35
Anthem: For the beauty of the earth – Rutter
Hymns: 336, 161 (t. 385), 185, 282, 475
Voluntary: Fugue on the Magnificat BWV733 – J. S. Bach
Sung by the Sopranos and Altos
Responses: Plainsong
Psalm 31 vv. 1–8
Canticles: Plainsong tone VI; tone VIII1
Anthem: My song is love unknown – Archer
Hymns: 63, 69, 75
Voluntary: Aus tiefer not schrei ich zu dir – Reger
The Third Sunday of Lent
Sunday 12th March 2023
(There is no 8.00am Holy Communion service today)
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Setting: The Hadleigh Service – Ridout
Exodus 17: 1–7
Romans 5: 1–11
John 4: 5–42
Anthem: Like as the hart – Howells
Hymns: 374, 62, 73, 292ii, 357
Voluntary: Air – Howells
Responses: Plainsong
Psalm 40
Canticles: Batten Fourth Service
Joshua 1: 1–9
Ephesians 6: 10–20
Anthem: Let thy merciful ears – Mudd
Hymns: 74, 64, 449 (t. ‘From strength to strength’)
Voluntary: Chorale Prelude ‘Erbarm dich mein, O herre Gott’ bwv 721 – J. S. Bach
The Second Sunday of Lent
Sunday 5th March 2023
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Hadleigh Service – Ridout
Genesis 12: 1–4a
Romans 4: 1–5, 13–17
John 3: 1–13
Anthem: Wash me throughly – Wesley
Hymns: 364 (t. 408i), 84, 378, 307, 485
Voluntary: Praembulum spura Jesu, meine freude – Krebs
Sung by the Tenors and Basses
Responses: Plainsong
Psalm 135 vv. 1–14
Numbers 21: 4–9
Luke 14: 27–33
Canticles: Plainsong tone II2 solemn; tone IV4
Anthem: The Lent prose – Plainsong
Hymns: 60ii, 376, 372
Voluntary: Trio on Attende, Domine – Sarah MacDonald
The First Sunday of Lent
Sunday 26th February 2023
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Sally Waters, Lay-Reader
Setting: The Hadleigh Service – Ridout
Genesis 2: 15–17; 3: 1–7
Romans 5: 12–19
Matthew 4: 1–11
Anthem: Hear my prayer – Purcell
Hymns: 67, 64, 425, 273 (t. 302), 383ii (omit *)
Voluntary: Toccata on Aberystwyth – Bednall
Responses: Plainsong
Psalm 50 vv. 1–15
Deuteronomy 6: 4–9, 16–end
Luke 15: 1–10
Canticles: Morley Fauxbourdons
Anthem: Lord, I trust thee – Handel
Hymns: 59ii, 391, 393
Voluntary: Ecce tempus idoneum – Tallis
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday 22nd February 2023
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Introit: Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts – Purcell
Setting: Canterbury Mass – Piccolo
Litany – Piccolo
Anthem: Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake – Hilton/Farrant
Hymns: 67, 64, 70i, 76
Voluntary: Postlude on ‘Southwell’ – Bullard
The Sunday next before Lent
Sunday 19th February 2023
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Exodus 24: 12–end
2 Peter 1: 16–end
Matthew 17: 1–9
Anthem: My eyes for beauty pine – Howells
Hymns: 234 (t. ‘Christ’s Glory’), 178, 389, 307, 494 (t. 413)
Voluntary: Nun danket alle Gott – Karg-Elert
Sung by the Sopranos and Altos
Responses: Wilby ‘Ripon Responses’
Psalm 84
Ecclesiasticus 48: 1–10
Matthew 17: 9–23
Canticles: Bairstow in E-flat
Anthem: Fairest Lord Jesus – Silesian folk song arr. How
Hymns: 377, 423i, 339
Voluntary: Dialogue – Hurford
The Second Sunday before Lent
Sunday 12th February 2023
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerely
Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Genesis 1: 1–2: 3
Romans 8: 18–25
Matthew 6: 25–end
Anthem: Cantique de Jean Racine – Fauré
Hymns: 265, 349, 466, 305, 258
Voluntary: Fantasia and Fugue in a minor BWV 561 – J. S. Bach
Responses: Smith
Psalm 148
Proverbs 8: 1, 22–31
Revelation 4
Canticles: Stanford in C
Anthem: God omnipotent reigneth – Wood
Hymns: 263 (omit *), 397, 252
Voluntary: Prelude – Stanford
The Third Sunday before Lent
Sunday 5th February 2023
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Isaiah 58: 1–9a
1 Corinthians 2: 1–12
Matthew 5: 13–20
Anthem: A prayer of Desmond Tutu – Whitbourne
Hymns: 345, 490, 438 (t. 296i), 304, 408i
Voluntary: Processional – Mathias
Sung by the Tenors and Basses
Responses: Plainsong
Psalm 4
Amos 2: 4–end
Ephesians 4: 17–end
Canticles: Plainsong
Anthem: Christe Redemptor omnium – Monteverdi
Hymns: 449 (t. ‘From strength to strength’), 352, 245
Voluntary: Voluntary No. 9 in e minor Op. 6 – Stanley
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)
Sunday 29th January 2023
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Sally Waters, Lay-Reader
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Malachi 3: 1–5
Hebrews 2: 14–end
Luke 2: 22–40
Anthem: When to the temple Mary went – Eccard
Hymns: 33 (omit vv. 2, 3 & 6), 156 (t. 149ii), 157, ‘Christ be our light’
Nunc Dimittis: ‘Marlborough Canticles’ – Goodall
Voluntary: Light of the nations – Moore
Responses: Smith
Psalm 132
Genesis 28: 10–end
Philemon 1–16
Canticles: Brewer in D
Anthem: Hail, gladdening light – Stainer
Hymns: 336, 247, ‘Angels from the realms of glory’
Voluntary: Toccata – Dubois
The Third Sunday of Epiphany
Sunday 22nd January 2023
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Isaiah 9: 1–4
1 Corinthians 1: 10–18
Matthew 4: 12–23
Anthem: Beati quorum via – Stanford
Hymns: 431, 391, 56 (omit *), 302, ‘Will you come and follow me’
Voluntary: Tuba tune in D major – Lang
Responses: Smith
Psalm 33 vv. 1–12
Ecclesiastes 3: 1–11
1 Peter 1: 3–12
Canticles: Gibbons Short Service
Anthem: Almighty and everlasting God – Gibbons
Hymns: 388i, 484 (t. 167; omit *), 486
Voluntary: Voluntary in A minor – Gibbons
The Second Sunday of Epiphany
Sunday 15th January 2023
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerely
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Isaiah 49: 1–7
1 Corinthians 1: 1–9
John 1: 29–42
Anthem: The Lamb – Tavener
Hymns: 55, 343, 271, 294, 332 (omit *)
Voluntary: Fugue in G major BWV 576 – J. S. Bach
Responses: Smith
Psalm 96
Ezekiel 2: 1–3: 4
Galatians 1: 11–end
Canticles: Set A
Anthem: In the bleak mid-winter – Darke
Hymns: 54, 51, 361 (t. 322)
Voluntary: Variations on ‘King Jesus had a garden’ – Peeters
Sunday 8th January 2023
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
President: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Introit: Arise, shine, for your light has come – How
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Isaiah 60: 1–6
Ephesians 3: 1–12
Matthew 2: 1–12
Anthem: There shall a star from Jacob come forth – Mendelssohn
Hymns: 47, 49, 52, 40, 36
Voluntary: Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern – Buxtehude
Introit: People look east – Besancon carol
Psalm 72 vv. 10–15
Hymns: 30 (omit vs. 7), 36, 22, ‘We three Kings’, ‘Christ be our light’
Voluntary: Prelude on ‘We three kings of orient are’ – Mawby
The Naming of Jesus
Sunday 1st January 2023
President and Preacher: Rev. Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Numbers 6: 22–end
Galatians 4: 4–7
Luke 2: 15–21
During Communion: Choir carols
Hymns: 33 (omit vv. 2,3 & 6), 23, 25, 39
Sunday 25th December 2022
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr David Vannerley
Setting: The Canterbury Service – Barker
Isaiah 52: 7–10
Hebrews 1: 1–4
John 1: 1–14|
During Communion: Choir carols
Hymns: 30 (omit vs. 4), 21, 28, 22 (CfC1 p2), 26 (omit vs.4; CfC1 p39)
Voluntary: Toccata from Symphony V – Widor
Christmas Eve
Saturday 24th December 2022
10.00pm FIRST COMMUNION OF CHRISTMAS (‘Midnight Mass’)
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Setting: Mass of St Thomas – Thorne
Isaiah 9: 2–7
Titus 2: 11–14
Luke 2: 1 –20
Hymns: 34, 29, 32 (omit vs. 4), 35, 30 (omit vs. 4)
Voluntary: Chorale Prelude on ‘In dulci jubilo’ (BWV 729) – J. S. Bach
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Sunday 18th December 2022
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Julie Hopkins
Setting: St Anne’s Mass – MacMillan
1 Samuel 1: 1–20
Revelation 22: 6–end
Luke 1: 39–45
Anthem: Gabriel’s Message – Basque carol, arr. Pettman
Hymns: 11, 3ii, 185, 295, 10
Voluntary: Advent reflections – Bonighton
The Third Sunday of Advent
Sunday 11th December 2022
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Stacey Rand
Setting: St Anne’s Mass – MacMillan
Isaiah 35: 1–10
James 5: 7–10
Matthew 11: 2 –11
Anthem: Adam lay Y’bounden – Ord
Hymns: 6, 18, 16, 277, 468
Voluntary: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (BWV 645) – J. S. Bach
Sung by the Tenors and Basses
Responses: Plainsong
Psalm 12
Isaiah 5: 8–end
Acts 13: 13–41
Magnificat: Plainchant tone vi
Nunc dimittis: Plainchant tone viii.1
Anthem: The Advent Prose – Plainchant (ed. Cleobury)
Hymns: 8 (t. 128ii), 1i, 15
Voluntary: Rorate Caeli Choral orne – Demessieux
The Second Sunday of Advent
Sunday 4th December 2022
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Preacher: Peter Clough, Lay Reader, St Cosmus & St Damian, Blean
Setting: St Anne’s Mass – MacMillan
Isaiah 11: 1–10
Romans 15: 4–13
Matthew 3: 1–12
Anthem: People, look East – Besancon carol melody, arr. Shaw
Hymns: 5, 12, 14, 308, 388i
Voluntary: Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn (BWV 601) – J. S. Bach
Responses: Plainsong
Psalm 11
1 Kings 18: 17–39
John 1: 19–28
Canticles: Byrd Fauxbourdons
Anthem: How lovely are the messengers – Mendelssohn
Hymns: 2, 7, ‘Hark, what a sound’ (t. 320ii)
Voluntary: Prelude on ‘Come, thou long expected Jesus’ – Setchell
The First Sunday of Advent
Sunday 27th November 2022
President: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
President and Preacher: Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, Rector
Introit: I look from afar – adapted from a Magnificat by Palestrina
Setting: St Anne’s Mass – MacMillan
Isaiah 2: 1–5
Romans 13: 11–end
Matthew 24: 36–44
Anthem: The truth from above – trad. English carol, arr. Vaughan Williams
Hymns: 11, 3ii, 7, 298, 9
Voluntary: Prelude on ‘Lo, he comes with clouds descending’ – Marsh
The Advent Antiphons
I look from afar – adapted from a Magnificat by Palestrina
A tender shoot – Goldschmidt
O thou the central orb – Wood
Jesus Christ the apple tree – Poston
Dismissal – Barker
Hymns 19 (omit vv. 5 & 7), 7, 12, ‘O come, O come, Emmanuel’, 9
Voluntary: Toccata on ‘Veni Emmanuel’ – Carter