Welcome, Students!
Welcome to you if you’re studying in Canterbury. We are a Church of England Parish Church unashamedly at the traditional end of the spectrum where the Eucharist is central to our worship each Sunday morning.
We are an inclusive church, and everyone is welcome.
During your time here, you are warmly welcome to join us for any of our services but you may wish to play a more active role and take part in some of our other activities; scroll down to find out more.

St Stephen’s has an excellent ring of eight bells and our ringers ring before our Sung Eucharist and Choral Evensong services each week, with quarter peals rung twice a month. Students are welcome to join us, whether an experienced ringer, or with a keen interest to learn.

Our choir sings at both the Sung Eucharist and Choral Evensong each Sunday.
St Stephen’s choir has a high reputation in the local area and further afield, singing regularly in Canterbury Cathedral and visiting other cathedrals around the country.

St Stephen’s is proud to have an Eco Church Bronze award, and we’re actively working towards making ourselves a more sustainable and environment friendly congregation.
One of our valuable assets is our churchyard which we try to maintain in a way to promote wildlife as well as providing areas for quiet and contemplation.
If you feel passionately about the environment and would like to help our work in the churchyard and wider church community, we’d love to hear from you.

Reading and Interceding
At each of our services we have members of our congregation who read the Old and New Testament readings, and at the Eucharist, who lead the whole congregation in prayer.