St Albans Cathedral: 22-23 April 2023
Music and Rehearsal Schedule
Saturday 22nd April 2023
2.30pm Rehearsal in Song School
4.00pm Rehearsal in Cathedral
Responses: William Smith (4-part)
Psalm 66
Canticles: Gibbons Short Service
Anthem: Christ the Lord is risen again – Foster
Hymn: CP 8 ‘The day is filled with splendour’
Followed by a drinks reception with Canon for Mission and Pastoral Care
Sunday 23rd April 2023
10.00am Rehearsal in Song School
Mass Setting: Johannesburg Service – Bertalot
Psalm: 116 vv. 1–6 (no Gloria)
Anthem: Arise in us – Martin Shaw
Hymns: CP 159 (t. 149) ‘The strife is o’er’, CP 311 ‘Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour’
4.30pm Rehearsal
6.00pm CHORAL EVENSONG for St George
Responses: William Smith
Psalm: 48
Canticles: Stanford in C
Anthem: Justorum animae – Stanford
Hymn: CP 228 ‘Soldiers who are Christ’s below’, CP 353 ‘And did those feet in ancient time’
Robes and Music

If you are a current St Stephen’s Choir member and have a set of robes, please bring them with you. If you don’t currently have a green St Stephen’s cassock, let me know your height and I’ll endeavour to sort one out for you.
I will bring all the music with me, so you don’t need to worry about that!

For those of us travelling from Canterbury, it would make sense to take as few cars as possible, so please meet at St Stephen’s in time to leave at 11am.
For those who asked for accommodation to be booked, we are staying at the Hatfield Travelodge. Whist 15 minutes out of St Albans, it was cheaper than staying in the city and has free overnight parking. The cost for the Saturday night is £102.00 per room which I have now paid upfront.