Remembering Lady Loretta
13th century Anchoress enclosed at St Stephen’s

At Choral Evensong on Sunday 10th March, we will be remembering Lady Loretta, an Anchoress who was enclosed at St Stephen’s from 1221 until she died in 1266.

A Collect for Loretta

Hear us God our Saviour
that as we rejoice in the memory of your servant Loretta,
so may we be instructed by feelings of pious devotion.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord, who lives and reigns
in the unity of the Spirit, ever one God.

(Written by Rev. Dr Kevin Maddy, former Rector of St Stephen’s)

The Collect for Holy Women

Almighty Father,
you have built up your Church
through the love and devotion of your saints:
inspire us to follow the example of Lady Loretta,
that we in our generation may rejoice with her
in the vision of your glory;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

(from Common Worship)

For more information about Loretta, click here.

New Anthem for our Choir by Christopher Gower

On Sunday 9th July, our choir sang a new anthem at our Sung Eucharist that had been composed especially for them by Christopher Gower. Christopher has had a long and distinguished career as a cathedral Organist and Choirmaster, holding positions at Exeter Cathedral, Portsmouth Cathedral and Peterborough Cathedral. On his retirement he moved to Canterbury.

Having given the world premiere, our choir will be giving the London premiere in Southwark Cathedral on Sunday 16th July.

The Church Hall being used for a meeting with presentation.

Agenda and Reports for the APCM 2023

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting is being held in church on Sunday 16th April 2023 at 11.45am, immediately following the Sung Eucharist. You can download the Agenda and Reports document below.

To join the meeting on Zoom, click here.

Tea @ 3

Tea @ 3 is a social event for everyone but particularly those who live on their own but also for couples and others who would just like a afternoon of activity and fun.

Please do email Margaret if you would like to join in.

Compline for St Simon and St Jude

Join us either in church or online on Friday 28th October at 8.45pm as we mark the Feast Day of St Simon and St Jude with a special service of Compline, with music sung by our choir.

All Souls’ Requiem Eucharist

7.00pm Wednesday 2nd November 2022

This Wednesday evening, join us for a special Requiem Eucharist at which we remember those who are no longer with us.  If you would like to remember someone by name, please add them to the list at the back of church, or send an email to Kevin: {This email is obscured. Your must have javascript enabled to see it}

Bishop of Dover leading our All Saints’ Eucharist

We welcome Bishop Rose, Bishop of Dover, who is Presiding and Preaching at our Sung Eucharist on All Saints’ Sunday. Do join us in church or online.

Sponsored Knitathon!

St Stephen’s Mothers’ Union are holding a Sponsored Knitathon on Saturday 5th November from 10.00 am – 3.00 pm at 27 Abbey Gardens, Canterbury, CT2 7EU to knit/crochet squares to make knee blankets for use by the parishioners in the church during the winter. There is a registration fee of £5.00 and you are asked to get your friends and family to sponsor you per inch you knit. There will be refreshments and lunch provided for a small charge. All proceeds will be shared between the Mothers‘ Union and the church.  Sponsor forms will be available at the back of the church for the next two Sundays. I do hope some of you will come along and join in with this event – you don’t need to stay all the time if you cannot do that but the more the merrier and we can have the knee blankets available as soon as possible.

Thank you in anticipation of your support,


‘Pop-up’ Choral Evensong

On Sunday 25th September, we’ll be taking our Choral Evensong on the road, and holding our service on the campus of the University of Kent. Join us at 6pm outside the shop and student union building, not far from Eliot College.

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St Stephen’s Choir singing in Southwark Cathedral

This Sunday, 17th July, our choir will be singing for the 11.00am Sung Eucharist and 3.00pm Choral Evensong in Southwark Cathedral.
