An Evening Service for All Souls

You are warmly invited to our service in St Stephen’s Church, to come together with other members of our community to remember loved ones who are no longer with us.

During the service you will be welcome to light a candle and the names of loved ones will be read out. There will be times of quiet contemplation and some beautiful music sung by our choir.

Our services are always open to everyone, but if you are unable to attend in person, you can still have loved ones remembered by name.

You can ask for your loved ones to be remembered by adding their name to the list in church.

Harvest Festival

Join us for our traditional Harvest Festival at 10.30am on Sunday 6th October 2019. A service to give thanks for the harvest with worship, prayer, and music, lasting about an hour.

During the service, donations of food and toiletries will be offered for those who are less fortunate than us.

Everyone is warmly welcome.

Tudor Performances and Worship at St Stephen’s

Presented by the University of Kent, and returning to St Stephen’s after nearly 500 hundred years, John Bale’s inflammatory play about notorious King John is as controversial as ever. Join the Cultures of Performance research group as we workshop extracts from the play, bringing it back to life, along with some of the atmosphere of Reformation St Stephen’s. Featuring music, architectural projections, and some familiar faces from the community, the performance will explore how the play engages with the parish, Canterbury and Kent as they were in the 1540s and how they are today.

To coincide with this performance, the following Sunday, worship will be according to the Book of Common Prayer which has its roots in the sixteenth century, and accompanied by music by John Merbecke who published the Book of Common Prayer Noted in 1550, and by Thomas Tallis who’s compositions straddled the Reformation.

How can I pray?

A week of opportunities to explore different approaches to prayer and spirituality in the Christian tradition.

Saturday 9th March to Sunday 17th March 2019

St Stephen’s Church
Hales Drive Canterbury 


Saturday 9th March 10 30 am   
Introduction to the week and the resources available
Special guest speaker Barbara Wallace, 

Sunday 10th March 6pm
Service of prayer and contemplation featuring music and poetry

Monday 11th March – Friday 15th March – 9am- 4pm
The church will be open and a variety of prayer resources available, including art materials, literature and aids to contemplation.  

Morning prayers at 9.00 am and evening prayers at 4.00 pm will be followed by a chance to discuss different approaches to the inner journey. 

There will be an hour of shared silence between 11 am and noon ending with midday prayers. 

There will be said service of Holy Communion on Wednesday at 10.15 am

A labyrinth walk, visit to a quiet garden and evening activities will be available if requested.

Sunday 17th March 4 pm 
Closing tea for participants to share experiences and discuss future prayer opportunities, followed by Choral Evensong at 6.00 pm.

This is a week of opportunities. Come to as much or as little as you find helpful.  You can use it as a Lenten retreat in everyday life or just drop in when it suits you. There is no charge and no need to register, but email {This email is obscured. Your must have javascript enabled to see it} for further information, to ask for any specific activity to be included, to be kept up to date with developments in the programme or to join in online. For updates see

Advent, Christmas and Epiphany at St Stephen’s

This year there are three special services to mark the Christmas season:
On Sunday 2nd December at 6.00pm we have our Advent Carol Service where we prepare ourselves and look forward to the coming of God’s Son.
Our Service of Lessons and Carols for Christmas is on Sunday 23rd December at 6.00pm where we will hear readings, choral pieces sung by our choir, and join together to sing well-known Christmas Carols.
Finally, on Sunday 6th January we will be marking the Epiphany, when we remember the visit of the wise men.
Everyone is warmly welcome at all of our services.

Advent and Christmas at St Stephen’s

Everyone is welcome to join us to prepare for and celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas. There are quiet said services of Holy Communion, and sung choral services with choral music sung by our choir alongside seasonal hymns for everyone to sing together.

Sunday 3rd December 2017 – Advent Sunday
8.00am Holy Communion
10.30am Sung Eucharist
6.00pm Looking for the Light – a special service for Advent Sunday

Sunday 10th and 17th December 2017
8.00am Holy Communion
10.30am Sung Eucharist
6.00pm Choral Evensong

Friday 22nd December 2017
7.30pm Traditional Service of Lessons and Carols for Christmas

Sunday 24th December 2017 – Christmas Eve
8.00am Holy Communion
10.30am Sung Eucharist
2.00pm Family Crib Service
11.30pm Midnight Mass

Monday 25th December 2017 – Christmas Day
8.00am Holy Communion
10.30am Festival Sung Eucharist with carols

An Evening Service for All Souls

You are warmly invited to our service in St Stephen’s Church, to come together with other members of our community to remember loved ones who are no longer with us.

During the service you will be welcome to light a candle and the names of loved ones will be read out. There will be times of quiet contemplation and some beautiful music sung by our choir.

Our services are always open to everyone, but if you are unable to attend in person, you can still have loved ones remembered by name.

You can ask for your loved ones to be remembered by completing a printed for available at church, or the online form below.

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Passiontide and Easter at St Stephen’s

We welcome you to worship with us over Passiontide and Easter – the most Holy time of the Christian Year where we mark the Death and Resurrection of Jesus.
For details of music for these services, please see the full Music and Service list.

Sunday 13 March 2016
The Fifth Sunday of Lent
Passion Sunday
8.00am Holy Communion
Sunday 20 March 2016
Palm Sunday
8.00am Holy Communion
Tuesday 22 March 2016
Tuesday in Holy Week
7.30pm The King of Kings
A showing of the 1927 Silent Movie with live organ accompaniment
Wednesday 23 March 2016
Wednesday in Holy Week
10.15am Holy Communion
Thursday 24 March 2016
Maundy Thursday
Friday 25 March 2016
10.00am Messy Church (until 12.00)
Saturday 26 March 2016
Easter Eve
Sunday 27 March 2016
8.00am Holy Communion