Bishop of Dover Preaching at Choral Evensong
The Bishop of Dover will be preaching at Choral Evensong on Sunday 1st May. Do join us in church or online at 6pm.
The Bishop of Dover will be preaching at Choral Evensong on Sunday 1st May. Do join us in church or online at 6pm.
St Stephen’s Mothers’ Union is hosting a Lady Day Service on Friday 25th March at 2.30 pm in St Stephen’s Church. The Members extend a welcome to anyone who would like to come along and join them. There will be refreshments in the church hall afterwards.
We have two Communion services on Ash Wednesday with the Imposition of Ashes for those who wish to take part. We look forward to welcoming you at these and any of our services.
A quiet said service with the Imposition of Ashes.
A choral service with music sung by our choir and with the Imposition of Ashes. This service will also be live-streamed.
We are very short of intercessors at the present time and consequently people are being asked to do them rather often; it would be good to have some new blood. It is not difficult, you are given the scriptures for the week and the names of those sick to pray for and those whose deaths fall on the particular Sunday. You can make up your own prayers or you can use prayers from the large variety of books available. We can take you through the procedure and give you an opportunity to have a practice to get the feel of doing them. There is always someone available to help you whenever you feel you need support. If you are interested please speak to either Margaret Horwood or the Rector. Thank you.
During November and December, Evensong will be at 4pm on Sunday afternoon to make it easier for people to come out during the darker inclement evenings. We will review this at Christmas and make a decision for the rest of winter at that point. Do let us know if you have strong feelings one way or the other.
This means that our Advent Carol Service on Sunday 28th November and our Christmas Carol Service on Sunday 19th December will also be at 4pm this year.
We look forward to welcoming you at our services.
Next Sunday, 3rd October, is our Harvest Festival. It is our tradition at St Stephen’s to support the work of Catching Lives and the Canterbury Food Bank with the generous donations of members of our congregation. If you are thinking about donating something next weekend, you might find the following suggestions useful:
Catching lives are particularly looking for Bottles or cartons of water, juice or squash; Hand sanitiser, treat items – chocolate, crisps, etc; packs of tissues, baby wipes, cotton buds; totes and batteries, waterproof ponchos, foil blankets; underwear; dog treats; fruit cereal bars; lip balm; hand cream
Canterbury Food Bank is currently very low on the following items, but would also appreciate any non-perishable goods: laundry detergents; cleaning sprays; cereal; long-life milk; fruit juice; instant mash; large nappies (size 5/6); baby wipes
Donations can be made at any of our services next Sunday, and don’t forget that we have yellow bins for the Canterbury Food Bank in the church porch and church hall all year round.
On Monday 11th January at 7.00pm, Rev. Kevin Maddy was Instituted and Inducted as Rector of St Stephen’s, after several years as our Priest in Charge. The service is still available to watch online.
28th February – 6th March 2020
St Stephen’s Church, Hales Drive, Canterbury, CT2 7AB
Friday 28th February, 7.30pm
Opening Service of Prayer for Christians Together in Canterbury
Three Canterbury People of Prayer:
An opportunity to experience the very different approaches to prayer of three great Christians with links to Canterbury.
Other events during the week:
Sunday 1st March | 6.00pm–7.00pm | Choral Evensong with Meditation on St David |
Monday 2nd March | 11.00am–12.30pm | Sacred Dance workshop by Dorothy Jerrome |
Tuesday 3rd March | 7.30pm–9.00pm | Paying attention to God’s Creation by Rev. Kevin Maddy (first of 5 weekly Lenten sessions on ‘Caring for Creation’) |
Wednesday 4th March | 7.30pm–9.30pm | Talk on the Langton brothers and Loretta by Mr Ken Moffat, Executive Headteacher of Simon Langton Grammar Schools, followed by Compline, sung by Canterbury Gregorian Society |
Thursday 5th March | 7.30pm | Sensory meditation using clay led by Sally Musker |
Friday 6th March | 4.30pm–6.00pm | Teas, sharing of experiences and closing prayer (labyrinth walk if weather permits) |
Monday 2nd – Friday 6th March
St Stephen’s Church will be open daily from 10am to 4pm for anyone to pray however they wish.
Morning Prayer | 10.00am daily |
Meditation with music | 3.30pm Monday to Thursday |
Evening Prayer | 4.00pm Monday to Thursday |
Resources will be available in church for different ways to pray:
Churchyard Prayer Walk | Leaflets in the porch |
Praying with the Body | Leaflets in the porch |
Stations of the Cross | Leaflets in the porch |
Prayer Pool | Crossing – South Side |
Praying with Creation | Manwood Chapel |
Visitation Window Meditation | Manwood Chapel |
Creative Prayer | North Transept |
Prayer Cafe | North Transept |
Lady Loretta’s Life of Prayer | Chancel |
Praying for the World | Chancel |
All welcome – come through the week as a Lenten retreat at home, or just drop in once and try something new
Everyone is warmly welcome to celebrate Christmas with us at any of our services over the Christmas period – we look forward to meeting you!
Sunday 22nd December * The Fourth Sunday of Advent
8.00am Holy Communion
10.30am Sung Eucharist
6.00pm Carol Service
Tuesday 24th December * Christmas Eve
2.00pm Crib Service
a service for young children and families
11.30pm Midnight Mass with carols
Wednesday 25th December * Christmas Day
8.00am Holy Communion
10.30am Sung Eucharist with carols
Thursday 26th December * St Stephen’s Day
10.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 29th December * The First Sunday of Christmas
8.00am Holy Communion
10.30am Sung Eucharist with carols
On Sunday 10th November, our morning service commemorates Remembrance Sunday, with Fauré’s Requiem sung liturgically by our choir.
Everyone is warmly welcome at this special service.