News & Events

Keep up-to-date with what’s going on in the Parish with news items and details of forthcoming events.

Christmas Tree Festival 2024

Don’t miss out on our spectacular Christmas Tree Festival at St Stephen’s, opening at 2.30pm on Friday 6th December, and open from midday until 6.00pm on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th December. Trees will be decorated by groups from within St Stephen’s Church alongside trees decorated by groups representing all parts of the wider community of our parish.

READ MORE… Christmas Tree Festival 2024

Ash Wednesday

This year, Lent begins on Wednesday 22nd February. We will be marking Ash Wednesday with two services, our regular 10am Holy Communion, and a special Sung Eucharist at 7.30pm.

READ MORE… Ash Wednesday

Ride and Stride 2023

Ride and Stride this year is on Saturday 9th September and sponsorship forms are available at the back of the church.  

Remember that 50% of the money received goes to our church and the remaining 50% goes to a fund administered by the Friends of Kent Churches for urgent repairs.

READ MORE… Ride and Stride 2023

St Stephen’s Choir singing in Southwark Cathedral

This Sunday (16th July), St Stephen’s Choir are singing the services in Southwark Cathedral. Music at the Sung Eucharist (11.00am) will include a second performance of My spirit longs for thee, composed for us by Christopher Gower and our own Director of Music’s Canterbury Service. At Choral Evensong (3.00pm) the choir will sing canticles by Herbert Howells and Fauré’s beautiful Cantique de Jean Racine.

READ MORE… St Stephen’s Choir singing in Southwark Cathedral