Sponsored Knitathon!

St Stephen’s Mothers’ Union are holding a Sponsored Knitathon on Saturday 5th November from 10.00 am – 3.00 pm at 27 Abbey Gardens, Canterbury, CT2 7EU to knit/crochet squares to make knee blankets for use by the parishioners in the church during the winter. There is a registration fee of £5.00 and you are asked to get your friends and family to sponsor you per inch you knit. There will be refreshments and lunch provided for a small charge. All proceeds will be shared between the Mothers‘ Union and the church.  Sponsor forms will be available at the back of the church for the next two Sundays. I do hope some of you will come along and join in with this event – you don’t need to stay all the time if you cannot do that but the more the merrier and we can have the knee blankets available as soon as possible.

Thank you in anticipation of your support,
