Christingle Service and Choral Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral
Tuesday 28th December 2021
1.30pm Rehearsal (Cathedral Nave; cassocks only)
3.00pm CHRISTINGLE SERVICE (Cathedral Nave; full robes)
Choir Carols:
Where riches is everlastingly – Chilcott
Star Carol – Rutter
4.15pm Rehearsal (Cathedral Quire; cassocks only)
5.30pm CHORAL EVENSONG (Cathedral Quire; full robes)
Introit: Coventry Carol – trad. arr. Shaw
Ayleward Responses
Psalm 138
Canticles: Brewer in D
Anthem: Sans Day Carol – Cornish, arr. Rutter
Hymn A&M 71 ‘Jesus Christ the Lord is born’