Lent Appeal 2023 – Tools with a Mission

Every Sunday during the season of Lent (apart from March 19th), I will be in the Church Hall after Eucharist, with boxes and bags to collect your unwanted tools and donate them to the excellent charity Tools with a Mission. They collect the tools we no longer want and deliver them to Africans who desperately need them – a simple yet brilliant idea, which is eco-friendly to boot.

You can find a full list of what TWAM does and doesn’t want here:


By the way, their definition of tool is pretty broad – it encompasses Bibles in plain English (presumably not King James), so if you have any of those, they would also be very gratefully received.

Please get in touch with me at {This email is obscured. Your must have javascript enabled to see it} if you would like to donate tools and/or Bibles, as it will help me to get a reasonable idea of how many boxes and bags I’ll need! Please do consult the webpage mentioned above, as there is quite a list of things they don’t want. Finally, please bear in mind that I have limited storage space, so I can’t accept anything much larger than a small sewing machine or a laptop computer.

I must say I’m really looking forward to this collection – many thanks in advance for all your donations!

Eco Church Rep

World Day of Prayer
Friday 3rd March 2023

This year’s World Day of Prayer is on Friday 3rd March. There will be a service at St Stephen’s welcoming people from across Canterbury at 11.00am, followed by a soup lunch in the church hall. It would be lovely to have a good number from St Stephen’s joining us if you’re able to.

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday 22nd February 2023

This year, Lent begins on Wednesday 22nd February. We will be marking Ash Wednesday with two services, our regular 10am Holy Communion, and a special Sung Eucharist at 7.30pm.  The Imposition of Ashes is when a cross of ash made from last year’s Palm Crosses is placed on the forehead remind us to ‘remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return, turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ’.  This will be a part of both services for those who wish to partake.
