Fund Raising Wine Tasting
Saturday 16th July 2022, 7.00pm

Join us in the Church Hall for a fund raising wine tasting led by Roshna Ahmed (one of the altos in our choir) who is has worked in the wine trade for nearly 40 years, and has been Shepherd Neame’s wine sales development manager for the last 20 years.

Roshna will present us with a selection of different and contrasting wines to taste, together with some nibbles.

Please note that this event is only suitable for those over 18 years old.

Book your place by giving a donation of £20 per person to Kevin, or you can book and donate online by clicking the button below. Please note that in order to ensure we have enough wine and nibbles, bookings will close on Monday 11th July.

About Roshna

Now in her 38th year in the wine trade, Roshna Ahmad is an expert in wine training, tastings, exhibitions, wine writing and food and wine matching events. Having taken to wine lectures with great enthusiasm while working for Sopexa (a national French wine and food promotion company) in 1989, the following years brought presentations for groups ranging from the forensic science unit of Scotland Yard to teenage catering students on courses from Brighton to Edinburgh. She once masterminded a gathering of BA cabin crew wine enthusiasts at an exclusive hotel in Buckinghamshire for a whole weekend of wine lectures and dinners. This and appearances at Vive la France exhibitions over the years have been particular highlights. Although knowledgeable on wines from around the world, French wines remain Roshna’s great love, and a particular specialism. She has been a member of the Circle of Wine Writers since 2005 and wine sales development manager for Shepherd Neame since 2002. Wine and food matching is now a regular activity with the aim to encourage us all to spend money more wisely in order to create enjoyable occasions.

“These days, good wine can be enjoyed without breaking the bank. The trick is knowing what to look for and how to shop, and it is my job to show you how.”

Roshna Ahmad

Corpus Christi

Join us for a special Sung Eucharist at 6.00pm on Thursday 16th June, followed by a fish & chip supper. To pre-order your supper, please sign up in church.
