Rowan Williams on: Pandemic Lessons: What have we Learnt about our Society and our Churches?

Wednesday 16th February Contemporary Theology Group 

St Peters Methodist Church at 7.30pm also live streamed. If you would like to access the live stream please email Rosemary Walters at and you will be sent the link.

Annual Commemoration of the Anniversary of the Death of Lady Loretta de Braose, 4th March 1266

Saturday 5th March 2022 at 11.00am GMT

This year we will be celebrating the life and death of Lady Loretta de Braose with a talk by Dr Cate Gunn on the Ancrene Wisse, a guide to the anchorite life written during the period of Loretta’s enclosure, and other written works relatingto anchorites. The lecture will be followed by midday prayers led by the Canterbury Gregorian Society. 

This will take place at St Stephen’s Canterbury, where all are welcome, subject to the Covid guidance then in place. It will also be live streamed on Youtube.

See our Loretta pages on this website for more information.

Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes for Lent

Do you have ideas for tasty, easy meat-free meals?

It is now clear that meat production is making an important contribution to climate change, and one thing we can all do to reduce its impact is eat less meat. Lent is traditionally a time when Christians give up eating meat, and the Deanery Eco-group wants to help people change their eating habits to include less meat by collecting and publishing ideas for tasty meat free meals for people to try during Lent. 

These may be vegetarian or vegan recipes or just a cooking idea – for example did you know that custard made with custard powder actually tastes better if you use soya milk instead of ordinary milk?

So that we can organise and make them available in time for Lent please send your ideas to as soon as possible, and by 14th February at the latest.  

Peter D Toon
