From the Deanery: Exploring Together in Lent: Living in Love and Faith

For Lent 2022 we are planning Deanery wide groups to enable us to come together and explore the resources provided by the national church.

Living in Love and Faith sets out to inspire people to think more deeply both about what it means to be human, and to live in love and faith with one another.

It tackles the tough questions and the divisions among Christians about what it means to be holy in a society in which understandings and practices of gender, sexuality and marriage continue to change.

The material includes encounters with real, contemporary disciples of Christ whose stories raise questions which ask us to discern where God is active in human lives. 

There will be five weekly sessions in the weeks beginning March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, April 4th . 
Please book to join a group, even if you have had some discussion in your own parish, so that we can share together across our Christian families in thinking through the response of faith to these important issues.
email or phone Rosemary Walters who is co-ordinating and organising the groups  or 01227 768891 and include
·       Your name and parish
·       Your preferred option, live or Zoom
·       Your preferred day of the week (Mon-Fri) and am or pm
emails need to be sent by Friday Feb 18th

Acorn Cafe would welcome volunteers to join their team.  It would involve setting up and serving coffee to people who come.  It could be a duty once a month or even once every six weeks. It is a very relaxed happy time when friends are able to meet up and chat. Do have a word with Libby if you are able to help.

Would like to contribute to the services week by week by becoming an intercessor?

We are very short of intercessors at the present time and consequently people are being asked to do them rather often; it would be good to have some new blood.  It is not difficult, you are given the scriptures for the week and the names of those sick to pray for and those whose deaths fall on the particular Sunday.  You can make up your own prayers or you can use prayers from the large variety of books available.  We can take you through the procedure and give you an opportunity to have a practice to get the feel of doing them.  There is always someone available to help you whenever you feel you need support.  If you are interested please speak to either Margaret Horwood or the Rector.  Thank you.
