Harvest Festival

Next Sunday, 3rd October, is our Harvest Festival.  It is our tradition at St Stephen’s to support the work of Catching Lives and the Canterbury Food Bank with the generous donations of members of our congregation.  If you are thinking about donating something next weekend, you might find the following suggestions useful:

Catching lives are particularly looking for Bottles or cartons of water, juice or squash; Hand sanitiser, treat items – chocolate, crisps, etc; packs of tissues, baby wipes, cotton buds; totes and batteries, waterproof ponchos, foil blankets; underwear; dog treats; fruit cereal bars; lip balm; hand cream

Canterbury Food Bank is currently very low on the following items, but would also appreciate any non-perishable goods: laundry detergents; cleaning sprays; cereal; long-life milk; fruit juice; instant mash; large nappies (size 5/6); baby wipes

Donations can be made at any of our services next Sunday, and don’t forget that we have yellow bins for the Canterbury Food Bank in the church porch and church hall all year round.

The Acorn Café Charity Coffee Morning

Wednesday September 22nd
from 10.30
In St Stephen’s Church Hall
In aid of MacMillan Nurses
Cakes and paperbacks
Do join us

Dear All  – it would be great if you were able to join us for the charity Coffee Morning on Wednesday of next week – even if you were able to pop in briefly!

There will be a stall for sweet and savoury items and also paperbacks.  We will not be having other stalls so the hall will not be so crowded.  

Items for the bakery stall will be most welcome!

It would be lovely to have your support!

Jenny and Libby
