Ride + Stride Saturday 11th September 2021

Kent Ride and Stride Logo

Ride & Stride is the sponsored bike ride or walk in which people all over England walk or cycle between churches, exploring and enjoying the countryside from Cornwall to Northumberland. The money they raise helps to save historic churches, chapels and meeting houses for future generations by helping to fund urgent repairs and the installation of modern facilities.

The next Ride and Stride will take place on 11 September 2021, from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm, and you can be part of it. Participants plan their own routes, and seek sponsorship for riding, cycling, walking, or manning the church. After the event the money is collected and divided between churches in need of repair, by your own choice and by the Friends of Kent Churches, the area organiser. More information and forms you will find on https://www.kentrideandstride.co.uk/ .

We’re ringing our bells again!

It’s been wonderful to hear our bells calling us to worship again in recent weeks after nearly 18 months of silence.

Perhaps you’ve thought about taking something new up after lockdown – have you considered bell ringing? If you’re interested in finding out more you will find the Tower Captain and Secretary’s contact details on the Church Website.

For us to teach you to ring would mean a commitment from you for our Monday evening practices and the teaching to handle a bell could take up to 6 months. However, the more practice you put in the quicker you will learn!

Anyone can learn to ring so why not make it a family activity. We are happy to teach anyone from the age of 11 upwards.

During August our Monday evening practices will take place on alternate weeks: 2nd, 16th, and 30th from 7.30–8.30pm. Those wishing to attend must book a place in advance with Jane Huxley so that we can keep to a safe number.

Churchyard Development

There is a band of woodland at the far east end of the churchyard – a sort of long thin copse with a small clearing near one end. It would be an attractive peaceful place but at present access is difficult because of overgrown nettles, brambles etc. and the clearing is cut off from view by undergrowth. 

We have kindly been given the services of a professional gardener for a day on Wednesday 4th August to  do some clearing to improve access and open up the area to public view to encourage visitors and discourage antisocial behaviour. If we could have a team of volunteers to help him we could get a lot done.

If you would like to take part please email churchyard@ststephenscanterbury.net. so we know how many to expect for refreshments and lunch.  Don’t worry if you can only manage a short while – it will still make a huge difference. Stout shoes, gloves and clothes which cover legs and arms are recommended; if you can bring gardening tools so much the better. 

Any queries to churchyard@ststephenscanterbury.net

Christian Aid Guided walk through Blean Woods


To enjoy nature without getting lost in it, and to raise money for Christian Aid, we have organised a guided Saturday afternoon walk through Blean Woods. The walk should last approximately one and a half to two hours depending on energy levels.

The meeting point will be the Blean Woods Nature Reserve car park, off Rough Common Road, at 2.30. For those coming by public transport, the Triangle and Number 4 buses stop by the Rough Common roundabout on the A 290, from which a short stroll takes you to the car park.

There is no need to book in advance. But please consider making a donation to Christian Aid (£5 minimum?) in cash on completion of the walk, or online at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/canterburychristianaidfundraising


Thanks to all those who have brought in pill blister packs for recycling. We got three boxes full in the first fortnight, far more than expected. 

Please keep up the good work with this scheme. There are two other specific recycling schemes in aid of charity you might like to take part in:

Inkjet cartridges – in aid of National Trust – just deliver to Ilona DeSousa (idesouza@btinternet.com) at 10 Claremont Place, Wincheap, CT1 3SU.  OK to post them through the door.

Crisp packets – being collected by Wildwood wildwoodtrust.org – just deliver during opening hours. 

If you want to recycle these but delivering them is difficult or would involve an ecologically unfriendly special trip please contact petertoon@aol.com or phone 01227 451 991 to discuss other possible arrangements
