Diary of an Involuntary Anchorite page 3

Cooking and Food March 30

The Ancrene Wisse advises anchoresses:

You shall eat twice every day from Easter until the Holyrood day, (14th September), except on Fridays, and Ember days, and procession days and vigils. In those days, and in the Advent, you shall not eat any thing white, except necessity require it. The other half year you shall fast always, except only on Sundays.

 You shall eat no flesh nor lard except in great sickness; or whosoever is infirm may eat potage without scruple ; and accustom yourselves to little drink. Nevertheless, dear sisters, your meat and your drink have seemed to me less than I would have it. Fast no day upon bread and water, except you have leave.

So they were vegetarian all the year round, and in the coldest half of the year followed fasting rules, which was only one meal a day taken after 3 pm (the hour Christ died on the Cross).

Loretta, like many anchoresses had a maidservant who cooked for her – as a noble woman she wouldn’t have been used to cooking and in any case it would probably have been impractical if not lethal within an anchorhold.

For us modern anchorites eating and cooking are one of the pleasures of our enclosure. Since buying fresh bread is impossible without going shopping frequently ( this must be one of the horrors of lockdown in France where people buy bread once even twice a day) I have gone back to baking my own. The act of mixing and kneading is soothing and contemplative, I’m not going out so I can put it to prove and check when it is ready to bake, and the sight, smell and taste of bread you have made yourself is very satisfying.

I’ve also tried some breads made with baking powder instead of yeast. The Jewish Cheese bread was a particular success. If you were caught without yeast when lock down hit and want to try it email me for the recipe!

Another Anchoress – March 31st

Our anchoress  Loretta  at St Stephen’s had a sister, Annora. She was imprisoned by King John but unlike her brother and mother she survived. She followed her sister’s example and became an anchoress – at Iffley, near Oxford. Last year I met Dr Hilary Pearson, an expert in medieval spirituality who lives in Iffley so naturally has an interest in Annora. Like me she sees the anchorite life as having useful lessons for our present experience. She writes:

Ancrene Wisse gives a lot of guidance for dealing with the temptations that the anchoress is likely to experience. Some of these we are also likely to experience, particularly once the novelty of our situation has worn off and no end is in sight, such as anger, sloth and envy. The anchoress is told that she must always be on her guard, and that the only way to defeat these temptations is to have concern for others, and to constantly pray and meditate on Christ’s life and sufferings. So, we should use this time to care for others in any way possible, and to keep in touch through phone calls, emails or social media. And perhaps we should use some of this free time to learn more about our faith through reading and meditating on the Scriptures, and through books or materials on the Internet.

You can read her whole article and also find links to more about Annora and Anchoresses  (as well as  to information and pictures on one of the most lovely Romanesque churches in England) at https://iffleychurch.org.uk/heritage/self-isolation-lessons-from-annora/

Lost in Space Saturday 4th April

I haven’t written much in my diary this week. Most of my writing energy has been devoted to preparing for Holy Week. Instead of just one sermon, which was what I had expected to do this week before the lockdown, I have written four meditations: and all these have to be recorded, and suitable images found to illustrate them. It’s enjoyable creative work but it doesnt leave much time for diarying.

Something which has also taken my attention this week is the problems faced by those who were away from home when the virus struck. A Russian friend of mine emailed me to say she was stuck at Luton Airport. She was travelling from St Petersburg to Switzerland to work at a conference as an interpreter – because of the bizarreness of airline ticket prices she had booked to get there via Luton, England. Unfortunately, whilst she was en route to Luton, Switzerland closed its borders and she was not allowed onto her connecting flight. After Switzerland she had planned to go to Israel (although she is Russian she has an Israeli passport) so she tried to change her ticket to go there directly from Luton. Although the airline was prepared to do that, the flight the next day was full, the flights for the next three days were cancelled, so she was booked to fly in four day’s time. She spent these four days and nights living, sleeping and eating in the airport.

Unsurprisingly during those four days the euros she had brought with her for her trip began to run out, so she contacted her friends to see if we could help her. Some of us managed to transfer money to her account (not easy – the bureaucracy involved in sending money to Russia can be difficult – I remember one occasion when a distinguished professor and I flew to St Petersburg with two thousand pounds from a UK Government Grant hidden as dollars amongst our underwear in our suitcases, because there was no other reliable way we could get it there!).

After my friend had waited four days for her flight, it was cancelled at the last minute. She was given one night free in an airport hotel as compensation (which at least meant she got to sleep in a bed) but was then returned to the airport to wait for the next flight, another four days away. After another day and night in Luton Airport she was told all future flights to Tel Aviv by her airline were now cancelled and she would have to leave the airport. She decided that the only way to get to Israel was to go to Heathrow. Fortunately whilst she was travelling there enough Euros arrived in her account to buy a new ticket with another airline, and she got to Israel the next morning. She is now self-isolating for two weeks in case she has caught the virus on this complicated trip.

A harrowing story which makes me grateful I was at home with a garden when all this started.

Diary of an Involuntary Anchorite page 2

I’ve decided to keep my diary manageable I will start a new page on my blog every Sunday. If you want to start from the beginning the go back to the page without a number

Getting real – Mothering Sunday

Even though it has changed our lives, for most of us Covid 19 is still something pretty abstract – we hear the death figures on the news, but so far a lot of us (me included) don’t actually know anyone who has had the virus, let alone died of it. But in the last few days I have heard of two people whom I do know who have lost a friend or relative in the epidemic. One is someone my mother-in-law was at school with in France, whom we have often visited; she is French but of Italian origin, and two relatives on the Italian side of the family have just died. The other is a priest who spent a few months in our parish during his training – he has lost a friend from college.

The other thing which has made it real is that it is Sunday. Now I dont work I quite often have a quiet day at home – reading, writing, cooking, gardening – so although a series of such days is unusual, none of the last weekdays has felt that strange. But on Sunday I almost always go to church – twice to sing in the choir if I am at St Stephen’s, maybe preaching or taking Evensong. When we are in France I go to the local Roman Catholic or Orthodox church in the morning, and often there is a concert in a local church in the afternoon – a different sort of churchgoing.

Today I had planned to go to Quaker meeting – partly because I do that sometimes, and partly to avoid the Family worship. Avoiding the inevitable Rutter anthem is always attractive, but also this being the first Mothering Sunday when I no longer have a living mother I preferred not to be so forcefully reminded of what I had lost.

I tried to sit quietly as in Meeting for Worship alone but its much harder not to be distracted and I only managed half an hour. I did however manage to “attend” the midday Eucharist streamed from the Cathedral – albeit a bit behind time as although I can hear the bell from my garden announcing the service I havent quite got the hang of how to get on as soon as they start streaming. But one advantage of an online service is when you’re late you can just rewind time and dont miss anything (the other advantage is that you can knit through the sermon, but don’t tell the Dean!) It was a simple but beautifully done service which if you couldn’t join in a service you can still see it below.

Monday 23rd March The Wisdom of beasts

The Ancrene Wisse advised anchoresses “you shall not possess any beast, my dear sisters, except only a cat. ”. St Julian of Norwich, probably the most famous anchoress, is usually portrayed with her cat. For the medieval anchoress a cat was probably a practical necessity to keep rats and mice away from her anchorhold. I don’t have a cat in my involuntary anchorhood, but I do have a beast – a small dog.

I should tell you about Poppy. She was my mother’s dog and a great comfort to her in her days of solitude after my father died. We often wondered what we would do for Mother when the dog died; in the event we found ourselves involuntary dog keepers when Mother died last September. I say “keeper” because to talk of dog owners is quite false – it’s as true to say they own you, for often they set the agenda and the pace, not you. I’m writing this on the sofa rather than in the library where I usually write because Poppy can sit beside me here.

Poppy is a great example of how to live. Her needs are simple – basically food, walks, sleep and human company. Her trust is amazing – she knows that if she barks eventually doors will open, food and water will appear, and someone will appear for company. She copes with abrupt changes in her life without fuss – small ones as when I decide to move around the house and pick her up and take her with me, to big ones like moving from Worcestershire to Canterbury to Avignon and back.

She is a perfect image of asking in faith “ the eyes of all wait upon Thee O Lord and thou givest the their meat is due season”

I suspect Loretta and her fellow anchoresses also learnt a bit about holiness from their cats. I hope I can be as content and as trusting as Poppy in the next few months.

A mistaken analysis – 24th March 2020

Yesterday the Prime Minister announced legal measures to force people to stay at home to fight this epidemic. This morning I got a long email from a Russian friend, arguing that this was just another form of influenza and that we should fight it by carrying on as normal : “Stop doing nothing. Regain your human thinking, feeling, doings of the will. Move around, meet with people”

Otherwise, she argued, we would lose creativity, submit to fear and stop caring for the poor and disadvantaged.

I thought I would share my reply to her with you:

Thank you for your texts. You are right we are in a wartime situation, but I think you are wrong about its consequences and your response.

This is the first global pandemic for 100 years and the first time we have have had a chance to control it because of modern information technology . In the Black Death in 1349 one third of the population died. In 1919 between 20 and 50 million people died. If we just carry on as you suggest then as many could die in 2020 as in 1919. But China has shown that if everyone stays at home the epidemic can be controlled.

As for fear, although I am sure many are frightened most people seem to be supported by the love and care of their friends and neighbours, which does not need physical contact to be expressed. ? They are staying at home to protect their friends and those in the community they dont know but still care about Again we are fortunate – we have the telephone, email and skype to keep in touch which did not exist in 1919. We have radio and television to tell us what is happening throughout the world and keep us entertained.

As for creativity, it does not stop because we are at home; indeed the end to frantic rushing and pointless activity frees up time for creativity. I am writing, cooking new recipes, making bread, making music and knitting presents for those I love – all things I might not have found time for in normal times. Others tell me similar stories.

As for the poor, as always they will suffer most if the epidemic gets a grip. But in England we have seen the most right-wing government in decades spend huge amounts on supporting those whose livelihoods are threatened by the epidemic – a government which in normal times would expect people just to get on with it and let market forces rip.Let us pray that the changes we are seeing now will put a permanent end to the mad pursuit of wealth and exultation of economics over people which is and always has punished the poor and is destroying our planet.

And as for doing nothing, in two weeks time we will be remembering the death of someone who “did nothing ” and by his patient doing nothing – his suffering and death – transformed the world. Jesus who described himself as the Son of Man was as he predicted “given over into the hands of cruel men and crucified” . Whatever you believe about the Resurrection, think of the creativity, the care for the poor, the casting out of fear which his ” doing nothing” has unleashed. It has led to Bach, Gregorian Chant, Chatres cathedral, the roof of the Sistine Chapel – hows that for creativity? It has led to care for the poor – to Mother Theresa, St Francis, to the campaign to abolish the slave trade, to the prison reforms promoted by Elisabeth Fry – how is that for care for the poor? It led to Maximillian Kolbe taking the place of someone else in a Nazi death chamber; it led to Archbishop Romero speaking out against the oppression of the poor and being shot at the altar; it led to Perpetua and Felicity a slave girl and her mistress going hand in hand into the arena in Rome to face their death – how is that for casting out fear?

And all become someone 2000 years ago didn’t do anything. Let us all go and do nothing with such consequences.

Thursday 26th

I’d imagined that lockdown would leave me oodles of time to do the things I don’t normally get round to. This has been true up to a point, but it is surprising how the days fill up – yesterday so much that I didnt get round to writing an entry in my diary. There were the normal things – walking Poppy, preparing dinner, washing up etc. Also my first attempt at a Tesco delivery which took me ages – partly getting used to the software and partly because I kept on thinking about things I’d forgotten – and a first and unsucessful attempt to record the meditation I had planned to do in person next Sunday in Sittingbourne and Canterbury. Software learning takes time – but one good thing to come out of this is that we’ll probably all be a lot more skilful.

I think also I’m doing less because the change of pace has slowed me down – in the same way as you slow down on holiday. I’m sleeping better and longer, despite the limitations on exercise, and it feels harder to keep going. Also the first sunny day it was fit to be outside was a temptation just to sit and doze in the sun. In a way it is nice to feel so relaxed – but I wonder if this goes to far it leads to accidie, the problem monks had of being listless depressed and unable to do anything in the middle of the day. Need to watch that.

If I should die….Friday 27th

According to data from China, the death rate from COVID-19 in those between 60 and 69 – my age group – is 3.6. Men are about twice as likely to die as women, which puts that up to around 4.8%. I have mild asthma which probably adds another 2 or 3 percentage points. That compares with a risk of around 1 % general mortality for a man of my age in the UK in normal circumstances; probably a bit less than that for me as I am not aware of having a disease likely to kill me.

So this pandemic increases my risk of dying this year about ten times. We all know we are going to die, but we avoid thinking about it most of the time. This virus makes us all more aware of our mortality. For me this awareness has made me more conscious of good things; having a nice meal, sitting by the fire listening to music with Yvan (my husband) and Poppy (our dog) feling the heat of the sun on my face.

A E Housman writing in the persona of a twenty year old that he could expect to see fifty more Springs (life expectancy has increased a bit since his day) , and that “ to look at things in bloom, Fifty springs are little room” so he would spend his time looking at the cherry blossom.

So as well as making sure my executor can find my will and sharing my funeral instructions, I plan to spend as much time as possible looking at the spring flowers in the garden. They are much more beautiful when I know this may be the last yearI see them

Poetry 28th March

Before all this started I had decided one of my Lenten tasks would be to sort out and cull my books. Like most of my aspirations for Lent it will only have been partly kept, but I have found and organised my books of poetry, and one of the slots I am trying to keep in my day is a time to read some poetry. Today I opened Alexander Pope for the first time for years, and found the Essay on Man:

Know then thyself, presume not God to scan
The proper study of mankind is man.
Placed on this isthmus of a middle state,
A being darkly wise, and rudely great:
With too much knowledge for the sceptic side,
With too much weakness for the stoic’s pride,
He hangs between; in doubt to act, or rest;
In doubt to deem himself a God, or beast;
In doubt his mind and body to prefer;
Born but to die, and reas’ning but to err;
Alike in ignorance, his reason such,
Whether he thinks to little, or too much;
Chaos of thought and passion, all confus’d;
Still by himself, abus’d or disabus’d;
Created half to rise and half to fall;
Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all,
Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurl’d;
The glory, jest and riddle of the world.

As well phrased and as true as when written nearly 300 years ago.

Diary of an Involuntary Anchorite

In the middle ages to decide to spend one’s entire life in one room usually attached to a church was an accepted if uncommon thing to do. Those who chose this were mainly women ( – nchoresses, from a Greek word meaning to withdraw – men who chose this lifestyle were called anchorites. Their enclosure was much stricter than that of those of us who are social distancing to slow the progress of the coronavirus. I have a whole house and garden to move about it,, and social distancing does not appear to mean not taking the dog for a walk, though I am choosing the less busy routes and keeping the recommended two metres from other pedestrians. Anchorites didnt have the internett or supermarket deliveries, but they did have servants, who fulfilled much the same role. Lady Loretta, the anchoress who lived at St Stephen’s for over 40 years is thought to have had two woman servants ( who performed the Tesco online function) and a male servant who acted as her email server, taking messages to others far and near.

Challenges like the coronavirus epidemic can be ways in which we learn new things – as I said in my sermon on Sunday like Psalm 84 “ going through the vale of misery use it as a well” so I thought I would use my blog to reflect on what we can learn from our involuntary enclosure which looks to be going to go on for at least two months, and also what medieval anchoresses can teach us about this. . I’ll aim to post something here everyday . I dont think the blog has a comment function but if you want to join the discussion emal me petertoon@aol.com and I will weave your thoughts into the disucssion

Thursday 19th March – Feast of St Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“The night has passed and the day lies open before us” These words are part of the introduction to Common Worship Morning Prayer .https://www.churchofengland.org/prayer-and-worship/join-us-in-daily-prayer. They are I think intended to be words of hope, but for those who suddenly find themselves in self-isolation or social distancing with all plans for the day cancelled they may sound more like a threat than a promise.

I’ve been thinking about how I will spend my time as an involuntary anchorite. For many people all they have to do is get up in the morning – after that what they do is controlled by other people; family need breakfast, then you get to work on autopilot where people ask you to do things all day until you escape and go home – by then all you want to do is flop. My life was like that when I was a GP – once you got into the building there was a constant succession of emails, phone calls patients and staff asking me to do things – I never had to wonder what to do.

The other part of my life, as a writer and academic gave me a bit more freedom to decide what to do, which meant I got some experience in organising my own time, and have had some more in 8 years of retirement, when you don’t have to do anything but you do need to avoid the temptation to spend all day with your feet up drinking gin (or Pastis in my case).

I think St Benedict got the principle right – in his Rule he laid down how monks should balance their time between prayer, reading and manual work. This was what Loretta would have known as the “outer rule” for a monk and as the Ancrene Wisse (http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/Projects/EETS/soton/texttran.html ) advises this will differ between different people according to their personality, gifts and commitments. But the “inner rule” which underlies this – that we should organise our time into different contrasting periods and balance our lives with different activities, some physical, some mental – seems good for us all

I think I have managed to change the settings so people can comment on my posts – if you read this do give it a try and see how it works.

Knitting your way through Enclosure Friday 20th March

At the end of 1981 I was moving from Oxford to London to start a new job, and for a while until I could find a flat I stayed with some friends in Tottenham. A friend of theirs was half Polish, and had arranged to spend a year in Poland in order to strengthen his understanding of that side of his heritage. Unfortunately he arrived just a few weeks before the Communist leaders imposed martial law in attempt to halt the unrest channelled through the Solidarity movement. Wikepeadia tells us that during this period “ A curfew was imposed, the national borders sealed, airports closed, and road access to main cities restricted. Telephone lines were disconnected, mail subject to renewed postal censorship, all independent official organizations were criminalized, and classes in schools and universities suspended.”

His response to an experience quite similar to Covid enclosure was to take up knitting and he knitted his way through martial law for some months until he was able to return to the UK. By good fortune I had a chance to learn the rudiments of knitting in Avignon last November and I find listening to music whilst knitting very soothing. So on my last shopping outing before close down I bought some wool and a very cheap but lovely pair of bamboo needles and I am knitting my mother-in-law a scarf. I have done about 10 cm so far and the target is 1.5m, so that should keep me calm and take many hours of the next few months.

Life without internet Saturday 21st March

Before the epidemic erupted we had arranged to change internet and phone provider, and yesterday was fixed as the day for the handover. The day started with a Zoom conference with Christians Together in Canterbury, and then someone phoned me up. We had been told that the change over would take place sometime in the afternoon, but about 11 30 I was in the middle of the phone-call when the line went dead. When I tried to call back I got a message saying the new service would start at 7 45 pm. A check on the computer confirmed that we no longer had an internet connection either.

I had topped up my mobile the day before so I was able to send messages to tidy up urgent outstanding things ( so long as I did it from the top of the garden where I could get a data signal) and then I settled down to a day of real isolation – no internet.

Knitting, books, CDs and DVD’s kept me occupied but it really made me notice how dependent on the net I am. Whilst knitting I was thinking about various writing projects I’m engaged on, and I kept thinking – “ I’ll search that on the internet”. I couldn’t post yesterday’s blog or do any of the other keeping in touch emails I had planned for the day – let alone watch all the cheering videos people have posted and have more online chats.

Although the internet is buckling under the strain of the load of replacing all our face to face meetings: video providers have reduced their streaming quality and those who use a lot of bandwidth for things like online video-games asked to restrict usage. Perhaps before this is over we will all have to ration our internet use. Meanwhile if this is over in a year’s time, perhaps a challenging thing to give up for Lent would be the internet? After all I managed without it for the first 40 years of my life!

Meanwhile we are back on-line, so I can post this and also yesterday’s thought now.

Sermon Lent 3 2020 – Eyam and its lessons for the coronavirus epidemic

In 1665 a bundle of cloth arrived from London in the Derbyshire village of Eyam for the local tailor His assistant noticed it was damp so spread it out in front of the fire to dry. Within a week he was dead and soon others in his household were dying. The cloth was infested with fleas carrying bubonic plague, which was rife in London that year.

Between September and December that year 42 villagers died and by the spring of 1666, many were on the verge of fleeing their homes and livelihoods to save themselves.

The rector of Eyam was unpopular – he had only been there a year or so and was seen by most of his congregation as a usurper, because Thomas Stanley the previous rector was a Puritan like most of the villagers. He had been evicted for refusing to accept the 1662 Prayer Book and was living in a sort of exile on the edge of the village. But despite their religious differences the Rector and Stanley agreed to work together. They introduced a number of precautions to slow the spread of the illness – families were to bury their own dead and church services were relocated to a natural open air amphitheatre so the villagers could keep apart to reduce the risk of infection But they also believed it was their duty to prevent the plague spreading to the nearby towns of Sheffield and Bakewell, so they decided the village should be quarantined, and they persuaded the parishioners to stay and isolate themselves in their village. Food and medicines were left on the edge of the village by neighbours, and the money to pay for it was left in vinegar to disinfect it.

About three quarters of the villagers died, but their quarantine worked – the plague did not spread to the surrounding towns.

The burial service in that prayer book which cost Thomas Stanley his job reminds us that “in the midst of life we are in death”; something I think with the power of antibiotics, modern healthcare and good sanitation to reduce and even eliminate many infectious diseases we are prone to forget. Yet sudden death has not disappeared; my mother and one of my oldest friends both died last year having appeared to be perfectly well the day before their death. I’m sure we can all think of examples of unexpected deaths; some of them from our own congregation.

Major epidemics are also a fact of life – Coronavirus is the last in a long list – Influenza in 1919; cholera in 1858 to 1860; the Great Plague of London in 1665; the Black Death in 1349, the Cyprian and Antoinine plagues during the Roman Empire are just a few of the most serious. Working as a GP in London in the 1980’s I saw a new infectious disease hit us with devastating results. These days HIV is a controllable chronic illness, at least in countries that can afford the medicines to treat it, but in those early days it was like bubonic plague – most people who caught it died, and I saw patients, colleagues and friends die in large numbers.

That Book of Common Prayer which divided Eyam and the whole country in the 1660’s also acknowledges that epidemics are a fact of life and includes a prayer to be used when they arise and a thanksgiving for when they pass. These prayers, like those for other natural disasters – famine flood and drought – assume these events are God’s punishment for our sins – a common belief in both Hebrew and pagan cultures in the ancient world and early modern world. I doubt that many of us would think in those terms these days – God sends viruses, like the rain, on the just and the unjust alike. They are part of life we have to accept and , deal with; part of life which perhaps God has provided to teach us important lessons about how we should live.

Like the citizens of Eyam we should take sensible precautions to minimise spreading the virus. The sacrifices we are asked to make are modest – so far the worst thing that has happened to me is that a harp lesson has been cancelled! The precautions we have been asked to take in church – exchanging the peace with a nod, a bow or a wave instead of a handshake – perhaps will remind us of the meaning of what can easily become a ritual we take for granted rather than a genuine sign of our unity. Taking communion in one kind -the bread only, rather than both bread and wine is common practice for practical rather than microbiological reasons at many Roman Catholic services and in no ways diminishes our sharing in the body and blood of Christ. Not passing round the collection plate and helping ourselves to our hymnbooks and coffee are hardly great sacrifices, but they may save lives. We are reducing our physical contact whilst still gathering together as the body of Christ.

Being Anglicans we will probably be comfortable with this middle way between denial and fear, which contrasts for example with the view of The Greek Orthodox Church that coronavirus is not transmitted via Holy Communion, so there is no need to change the Orthodox practice of giving communion as bread soaked in wine from a common spoon, – an attitude which seems both scientifically and theologically unsound.

But nevertheless the epidemic will force all of us to re-examine how we live – not merely by making sure we wash our hands properly, though that isnt a bad thing. We may have to learn that things we take for granted like being able to travel, socialise and shop as we wish are not always possible – and perhaps not always necessary. If we are forced to spend more time at home then we may do some of those things we never seem to get round to. If I’m confined to my room I may actually get through all those books I bought but never read! Perhaps like Lady Loretta who lived in self isolation here for over 40 years, we may learn that you can live a worthwhile and fulfilling life in enclosure. At the Lent group on Tuesday we wondered whether it would teach us to do without things we are going to have to learn to give up anyway not because of infection but to combat climate change. And perhaps being reminded that we cannot count on our life and health – that in the midst of life we are in death – will be a good, if painful lesson to learn.

Our Gospel reading, when Jesus accepted a drink of water and had an intimate conversation with someone who was not only one of the hated Samaritans but even worse a woman, reminds us that Christ breaks down artificial barriers between people and nations. The pandemic also reminds us that whatever our religion, race or background, we are all interlinked in our society, in this country and throughout the world. President Macron spoke very movingly in his address to the nation on Thursday about what “fraternite” in the slogan of the French Republic actually means – caring for each other and in particular for the most vulnerable. One thing we can all do is check on those we know who are staying at home to protect themselves and let the pastoral group know about them, so we can offer help and support without exposing them to further risks.

We heard in our Old Testament Reading that the Israelites, uprooted from a stable if servile life in Egypt grumbled at the new challenges they faced going through the desert – but that when they needed it God provided them with water So like the psalmist who “ going through the vale of misery used it as a well” we may find that in the desert of the next few weeks when we are prevented from doing what we usually do and had planned to do that we suddenly come upon a fountain of refreshing water in what seemed to be a desert period. Let us pray that Covid 19 will teach that lesson not only to us and to our compatriots but to the world for which we pray.
