A Guided Sensory Meditation for the Autumn Season: Nuts and Seeds

Everyone is welcome to join us in St Stephen’s church at 7.30pm on Thursday October 24th for a guided sensory meditation led by Sally Musker.  Sally is an experienced leader of meditations and is completing a postgraduate degree on sensory mediation at Canterbury Christ Church University.  The meditation will last approx. 40 minutes and will include some silent reflection and optional sharing.

An Evening Service for All Souls

You are warmly invited to our service in St Stephen’s Church, to come together with other members of our community to remember loved ones who are no longer with us.

During the service you will be welcome to light a candle and the names of loved ones will be read out. There will be times of quiet contemplation and some beautiful music sung by our choir.

Our services are always open to everyone, but if you are unable to attend in person, you can still have loved ones remembered by name.

You can ask for your loved ones to be remembered by adding their name to the list in church.
