Galliard Trio: Concert in Aid of Christian Aid

Galliard concert poster March 2019

Christian AID Charity Event
The Galliard Trio in Concert on Saturday 30th March, 7:30pm in St Peter’s Methodist Church. Music featured includes Mozart, Bartok, Bach and Mussorgsky.
Please come and enjoy an evening of beautiful music to support this year’s Christian Aid Week (12th-18th May) events.

Tickets at £10 (£5 for students) available from Jean Barber, phone 831956 or Doro Thyssen phone 479164 (eve) or come and find me after church.

Tudor Performances and Worship at St Stephen’s

Presented by the University of Kent, and returning to St Stephen’s after nearly 500 hundred years, John Bale’s inflammatory play about notorious King John is as controversial as ever. Join the Cultures of Performance research group as we workshop extracts from the play, bringing it back to life, along with some of the atmosphere of Reformation St Stephen’s. Featuring music, architectural projections, and some familiar faces from the community, the performance will explore how the play engages with the parish, Canterbury and Kent as they were in the 1540s and how they are today.

To coincide with this performance, the following Sunday, worship will be according to the Book of Common Prayer which has its roots in the sixteenth century, and accompanied by music by John Merbecke who published the Book of Common Prayer Noted in 1550, and by Thomas Tallis who’s compositions straddled the Reformation.
