The Organ

Over recent times you may have noticed more and more strange noises coming from the organ — notes sticking or playing when they should not, and some which are not playing at all (not always Steve playing the wrong notes!). Our organ will be 50 years old next year, and like any piece of mechanical or electrical equipment is in need of an overhaul and modernisation. There is a meeting to which anyone with an interest in the music of our parish is invited this coming Friday at 7 p.m. to explain the proposed works, with the opportunity to ask questions. At the end of the meeting the PCC will decide how to proceed. We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Galliard Trio

The Canterbury Christian Aid Committee has arranged a return visit from this popular and talented ensemble. They will be playing a concert of chamber music including pieces by Mozart, Rachmaninov and Bach in St Peter’s Methodist Church at 7.30 p.m. on Saturday 5 October. Programmes/Tickets are available for £10 (Students £5) from Martin Gardham.

Churchyard gates

Volunteer needed. The gates are in urgent need of refurbishment before the coming winter. They need cleaning, sanding, and coating with a preservative. All materials will be provided. Please contact Brian Kennett if you can help.
